The mephitis of rotting flesh, an aroma not striven for. Yet this is where I find my pacification. All around is cerulean. In the sky the birds twirl as if manipulated puppets on the wind’s whim. Below only water and a sunken bateau, and so I sit, the descent is not the challenge. It is indeed the task at hand once you have immersed, wholly, under the ocean’s mighty force. For below the perils of the surface die, and new emerge. Gripped with mighty spear in one and feeble bag in other we begin our journey, every moment deeper, every moment darker, every moment descent. Our words do us no good below the surface, here only the fish declamate, and talk they do. Not in word but in dynamism, ever fretful. Take it only one to spook the masses, take it only one to draw the hunters. Spear in hand the dance begins. It cannot be dispatched. All moves must be calculated in great detail. The trigger pulled, the spear released. Blood fills the water. In to the bag the trophy. By my side it will sit twitching, moribund, calling. A drop amongst a million they can sense. From the blue and without warning, silhouetted against the surface. Hunter becomes hunted. If I run I do so against evolutionary perfection, spurn, I stay the fate none the better. Eye to I we tango in the labyrinth of King Poseidon. Neither I nor eye to be outdone by the other. Primal instinct cannot be suppressed; the need to feed is millennia in the making. One flutter of the tail does me in, and in he comes. Only one option. Release the trophy in exchange for freedom. Never turn your back on the ocean, never belittle.
Dynamism- noun; movement
Mephitis- noun; a foul odor
Pacification- noun; to harmonize
Cerulean- adjective; shad of blue
Bateau- noun; a medium sized vessel
Declamate- noun; to speak in a distinct dialect
Dispatch- noun; to hurry or rush
Moribund- adjective; dying slowly
Spurn- verb; to disregard or ignore
Belittle- verb; to detract