
Friday, February 20, 2009

Varying Regard

Varying regard for what lies below

And with it comes a slight respect

So break the galley open wide

With endless souls they set a tow

Into horrors not soon expect

Varying regard for what lies below

But not it fret till cock may crow

For until doth sun does finally regret

So break the galley open wide

If sails don’t on horizon show

And for the god Poseidon must fee collect

Varying regard for what lies below

So in less regret than we now know

The beast of beauty came with no select

So break the galley open wide

For in thy darkest hour the furthest doth may grow

Against the darkened sea every truth is not correct

Varying regard for what lies below

So break the galley open wide

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Happiness and Gin

It was a strange type of voodoo that night in late July

Where birds of feather strange and cerebrums did fly

Yet not of silver ice or magic hand did this night come

But of your daily tangerine joy’s setting of a ruthless sun

For now for slight moments pace the light is out the door

So let us now be merry to roll across the floor

No more light does shine where perfection lacks

And with this lads get merry and take burdens off their backs

Reload the pint!” they all do sing, in happiness and gin

For the dreaded light hath gone away, replaced it with the din

Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss are not the custom here

For when the night does come around they’ll be met with smear

For allegiance true to night itself in its true domain

Only the men of black, shall conquer and remain

Call them crooks but none of fault

Try and catch them they’ll surely vault

For feast or famine the job’s compressed

By those of body and mind possessed

In motion is the only option for this well taught custom

From hand in hand to hand in coat

The next one might in deception float

It was once for means is all they’ll say that day

When the man of provision is finally dragged away

We’ll not know now but only then, what heeded the dismay

Was it the men of law or bandanas adorned with red

In the end it is all too simple, the man you knew is dead

Taken not by fires grip or bullets awesome tear

But rather an addiction to the night and what was hidden there

For behind the shadows an enemy does appear

Her sides shine bright with heavens leer

For what damnation is hidden here

Behind the clouds on roosters call she’ll rise above the mist

Take a taxi from the other side and pump her ragged fist

Live jazz does sing its classy tune and drinks do fill the air

But time is fading quickly to everyone’s despair

For when the calls been made real and clear the morning now begin

And boys do sing their moaning cheers, in happiness and gin