
Friday, February 20, 2009

Varying Regard

Varying regard for what lies below

And with it comes a slight respect

So break the galley open wide

With endless souls they set a tow

Into horrors not soon expect

Varying regard for what lies below

But not it fret till cock may crow

For until doth sun does finally regret

So break the galley open wide

If sails don’t on horizon show

And for the god Poseidon must fee collect

Varying regard for what lies below

So in less regret than we now know

The beast of beauty came with no select

So break the galley open wide

For in thy darkest hour the furthest doth may grow

Against the darkened sea every truth is not correct

Varying regard for what lies below

So break the galley open wide

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

I like your style. Antiquated pirate sailor speaker are you. It works for you. - elmeer